
Happy New Year!!!

It's only 18 days late!

Wow - I can't believe that our last entry is that I'm engaged. I'm still engaged! And we're getting married November 7, 2009. Woohoo!!! Sponge has been the biggest help ever with the wedding - she even went wedding dress shopping with me last weekend. I'll have to write some more posts about the wedding planning in the future. I mean what's funnier than a stressed out grad student? A stressed out grad student who is also planning a wedding. The stories practically write themselves.

But before I put the focus on moi, I'm going to tell you about how panicked Sponge has become about her work. She's gotten a lot of pressure from her advisor and has some major deadlines looming. She's vowed to put in some long, productive days. FOCUS and PRODUCTIVITY are her motto. Here's a typical day:

9am: Rolls into the office

9:15am: Tummy rumbles...she hasn't had breakfast! Off to find some breakfast on campus.

9:30am: Returns from the breakfast quest and settles in to eat her baked oatmeal or muffin. OH MY GOSH - we haven't told you the muffin story of 2008! Wow, gotta fix that.

9:35am: Gotta do the crossword puzzle while eating oatmeal.

9:40am: Finished the clues she knows on the crossword puzzle - gives the puzzle to Stretch to finish.

9:45: Stands over Stretch's shoulder watching her finish crossword puzzle.

10am: Checks e-mail

10:15am: Writes e-mail to a certain someone (Soul Mate 1 or SM1...yes, we're numbering the soul mates)

11:15am: Still writing e-mail

11:30am: Sends e-mail, then goes back to reread original e-mail and reply

11:45am: Facebook

12noon: Lunchtime!

1pm: E-mail and more Facebook all afternoon

4pm: Realizes that advisor meeting is tomorrow...EEP!

4:15pm: What was she doing again?

4:30pm: Asks Stretch if it's time to go
4:31pm: How about now?
4:32pm: Now?

4:45pm: Packs up

5pm: Catches a ride home with Stretch.

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